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No the name isn’t a misprint. This is Parry Sounds as in Parry Sound – Sounds and Sights. The idea of this blog is to provide Parry Sound residents and visitors with information about out town that isn’t always available through other information sources.

The intent of this site/blog is to be upbeat and positive. That’s the way things get better; recognizing and nurturing the green shoots of concern and opportunity.

A theme you will see developed here is Parry Sound’s relationship with the trains that run through it. The trains are part of Parry Sound’s past, present and future. Let’s see how we can make the future the best it can be.

This site is committed to providing information on town events that aren’t always easily found. Too often I find out a day or two later about an event in town that I would have liked to attend. Let’s see if we can’t people informed of events that are of interest to them, especially those that aren’t advertised in the local newspaper. Let me know if there is something I have missed that you think people should know about.

Let me know if you have suggestions or want to contribute. Many hands make work light.

This is the start and I’m hopeful that the site will be fully up-to-speed by the beginning of the new year.