The major news from this week’s Town of Parry Sound council meeting is that the Lighthouse development on Salt Dock Road has a green light from Council to proceed.

As always there were questions of Staff about snow removal when we get an early season dump. I think the Town does a good job, but there are always people who want more and faster. Well we can have it, it just costs money. That also means we will have unused capacity if and when it doesn’t snow. How much buffer do you carry in your bank accounts; how much extra life insurance and disability insurance do you carry? I’m sure that if you are conscientious you do what is necessary with a little extra capacity but realize that you really aren’t prepared if we were to get two feet of snow in one day, or you had a house fire. You could survive it, but it will take patience and understanding. I would rather not raise the taxes so that we clear the snow an hour earlier. We shouldn’t be surprised when we get a dump with the quality of weather forecasts. We need to plan for it. If your street isn’t plowed as early as you like, park overnight at a friend’s house where there is earlier service and walk over to your car in the morning. If the sidewalks aren’t clear at 8:00, wait until they are cleared. Don’t play the role of victim. If you want better snow service, let Council know and be prepared to pay for it.

The day we received the dump of snow I had a meeting in the downtown, and I drove. The roads were okay as I traveled down Bowes and Miller Streets. I thought for a minute or two about Peter Brown, Director of Operations retiring at the end of the year. I realized that he doesn’t just worry about getting to work every day, he also has to worry about getting everybody else to work and school every day, and those folks who want to get out for an early coffee. I suddenly understood why he is retiring, at least from this position. When you are a public servant everybody thinks they are your boss and being experts they can tell you how to do your job better. Enough is enough. The job is still open if you think you can do a better job. And you get the benefits and scrutiny that comes with making the Sunshine List.

Closed Session

c) a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land for municipal or local board purpose, (property matter);
e) litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board, (update on litigation of cases with the Town);
f) the receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose, (update on litigation of cases with the Town);
j) educating or training council members and no member shall discuss or deal with any matter in a way that materially advances the business of the Council (municipal finances);

Questions of Staff

3.2.1 – In response to Councillor Borneman’s request for an update on the progress on Waubeek Street, Director of Public Works Peter Brown replied that Waubeek & Melvin will be paved starting tomorrow morning and will be open for business Thursday morning. Some concrete work will be completed in the Spring.

3.2.2 – Councillor McCann inquired as to how staff manage & prioritize the plowing of roads and sidewalks, as he and other Councillors received complaints regarding the snowplowing during the last snowfall. Director of Public Works Peter Brown responded that the Town has a Winter Control Policy available on the website for residents to view which is mandated by Council. At that particular snow event the snow started about 1:30 am and crews were out by 4:30 am plowing & sidewalk clearing. Plowing is done on a priority and traffic flow basis per the policy and Mr. Brown reported that he feels staff are doing an excellent job. Each year the plan is modified to accommodate changes in the community such as the new placement of schools.

3.2.3 – Councillor Backman asked the Director of Development & Protective Services for an update on the strategic planning process. Dave Thompson responded that the process was started with focus group sessions yesterday morning and evening. On November 26th the group will be at the high school for input from the students and there will be an open house in the evening of the 26th at the BOCC from 7:00 to 9:00 pm that the public are welcome to attend. The consultants and senior staff will be present to answer questions. There is a web-based survey on the Town’s website which has over 180 surveys completed to date. After November 26th the consultants will consolidate the information and bring the information forward to the December 17th council meeting for Council’s review and input.

3.2.4 – Councillor Keith inquired of Mr. Brown if he was familiar with any community education programs concerning snowfall events and the need for residents themselves to also be prepared. Mr. Brown replied that he has seen some websites and twitter feeds with this information; he will ensure this information is circulated soon on the Town website and twitter feed.


4.1 – District of Parry Sound Violence Against Women Coordinating Committee. Request as part of national initiative, that the Municipal office flags be lowered to 1/2 mast on December 6, 2019 to mark the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women and specifically to remember the lives lost on December 6th, 1989 of 14 young university students at l’École Polytechnique de Montréal. Circulated to Mayor & Council, on this evening’s agenda as item 8.1 and filed.

4.2 – Climate Action Parry Sound. They are a grassroots organization of concerned citizens committed to limiting and mitigating the effects of human-caused global warming introducing their group to Council. Their goals are to raise awareness, solicit petition signatures to be forwarded to provincial and federal governments and support youth commitment for multi- generational demonstrations in support of “Fridays for Future”. They will network and collaborate with other groups and organizations in our community on lowering our carbon footprint. Circulated to Mayor & Council and filed.


5.1 – Glenda Clayton and Monica Moore, Parry Sound Area Food Collaborative. Community Oven. Glenda Clayton addressed Council, introducing the Parry Sound and Area Food Collaborative as a group of key community stakeholders and a number of individual residents who work at championing healthy sustainable food systems for the Parry Sound Area. They have a number of initiatives including the Parry Sound & Area Food Charter. Ms. Clayton reported that a new initiative is a Community Oven – an age-old multi-cultural tradition, and they propose to locate it at the Mary Street Centre, built outside on the green space between their building and the North Star building, now owned by the Ryans. The oven will be available to be rented by various groups and also used for community events. Oven masters will be trained to work with the users. They have conferred with Fire Chief Thompson on some of the safety aspects. It will be heated by wood which will be stored in a locked wood storage building. Ms. Clayton and Ms. Moore concluded by requesting support for this initiative.

5.2 – Ron Jenkins. Sidewalks and repairs required for his wheelchair. Mr. Jenkins addressed Council noting that he came here 6 years ago from Guelph, and loves being here. He said that the elevator in this building won’t accommodate his wheelchair so he walked up the stairs this evening. He & other wheelchair users get together to discuss which back streets to avoid, to minimize the damage to their wheelchairs. He requests that attention be paid to the state of the sidewalks and says it would be very appreciated by him and many other wheelchair users. He requests that Council members use a wheelchair on the sidewalks to see what he means.
The following direction was proposed: That staff develop a report with respect to developing a disabled citizens committee that could make recommendations to Council as to some needs in the community. Carried

5.3 – Nancy Cunningham Re: Lighthouse OPA & ZBA. Ms. Cunningham addressed Council requesting some assurances and clarification on the guarantees put forward by the developer on such items as: only the elevator shaft & no other additions being on the roof, preservation of the trees between the subject property and the Fitness Trail, information on the surveyor and clarification on what height compared to Beaconview – floor or ceiling level, what is the record of the developer with regards to parking, garbage storage & landscaping, and why is the independent planner’s report called a justification report. Ms. Cunningham reminded Council members that most of them were in office when both the Official Plan and the Trails Master Plan were being developed and that the residents rely on those members to support the legislation they helped create. Ms. Cunningham requested a recorded vote on this matter.

5.4 – Josh Morgan, Morgan Planning & Development. Lighthouse Official Plan Amendment/Zoning By-law Amendment (OPA / ZBA). Mr. Morgan, representing Greystone Project Management, addressed Council to summarize the primary topics & concerns expressed during the public meeting in July, the primary themes expressed in correspondence since the public meeting and the steps the applicant has taken since those comments were received and the summary of the land use control measures that would be in place should the by-laws be passed.
In response to the Primary Land Use comments: Triton Engineering Services Limited was retained to peer review the Traffic Impact Study, FRI Corp was retained to peer review the Species at Risk Assessment. The Town retained Jamie Robinson of MHBC Planning to provide his professional planning opinion regarding the appropriateness of the applications.
Riverstone Environmental Solutions Inc prepared an itemized response to the environmental peer review and FRI Corp confirmed that all of their peer review comments had been suitably addressed.
Tatham Engineering Limited prepared an itemized response to the traffic peer review and they accept that there will not be any appreciable level of service or capacity issues and that the entrance alignment and/or sight line improvements can be addressed via Site Plan Approval Process.
L.U. Maughan Company Limited, an Ontario Land Surveyor, was retained to confirm the finished 1st floor elevation of the adjacent Beaconview, which is 203.75 GSC. The elevation of the proposed roof is 203.6 GSC which is lower than the 1st floor elevation of Beaconview. An earth toned roof membrane will be utilized and air conditioning units will not be installed on the roof.
The site plan has been updated to increase the westerly interior side yard setback from 3.47m to 6.0m which allows a greater setback between the building and the fitness trail. With the trail being approx. 9.0m from the westerly property boundary this results in an approx. setback of 15m. Proposed are improvements to the existing trailhead with improved public parking, installation of a trail extension and crosswalk over Salt Dock Road.
Due to the topography of the subject property the designation of Open Public Space doesn’t fit well as its use as a public facility or park would be very difficult. It is more suited to the designation of Residential High Density.
Detailed servicing, grading and storm water management design drawings will be submitted as part of the Site Plan approval process.
Soil Engineers Ltd. have been retained to prepare Phase 1 and Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment once the ZBA and OPA have been approved to file a Record of Site Condition, if required.
The ZBA is proposed with a Holding provision. The holding provision will not be lifted until such time as the applicant has obtained Site Plan Approval and Record of Site Condition, if required.
Mr. Morgan requested approval of both the Zoning By-law Amendment and the Official Plan Amendment.

5.5 – Jamie Robinson, MHBC Planning. Mr. Robinson addressed Council, reporting that he has 17 years experience throughout central and northern Ontario as a professional planner, and he has been retained by the Town of Parry Sound to take an independent review of this site dealing with the 2 land use planning applications on the agenda this evening. Mr. Robinson said that the 2 by- laws are intended to establish the principle of use for the site; i.e. “is this an appropriate site for a building of the size, of the massing of the scale that’s proposed with the site specific amendments that are identified through the zoning by-law? That’s the question before Council with both the OPA and the ZBA”. Mr. Robinson said that the specific details would be considered through the site plan agreement that will be brought to Council at a later time.
With respect to the earlier deputation concerning guarantees to the surrounding area and residents with respect to the application, Mr. Robinson reported that Mr. Morgan identified that the site plan control process provides those guarantees and also the zoning by-law amendment that’s before Council this evening does specifically establish a building envelope of the site, and it does specifically establish a maximum height provision for this building so it effectively establishes a building location and a massing for development on this site. If the proposed development were ever to exceed those requirements, additional planning approval would be required and there would be a public meeting for that so the by-law itself is an important component to provide those assurances to the public. Mr. Robinson also noted that as Mr. Morgan mentioned, the site plan process does provide those specific details as well.
With respect to comments as to whether Mr. Robinson’s report was a “justification report”, or a “review report”, Mr. Robinson said that it is a “review report”. Mr. Robinson noted that there is a footer within his report which is incorrect, and for that he apologized and confirmed that it is a review report.
Mr. Robinson noted that the OPA relates to Schedule A of the Official Plan to be modified to re-designate the lands to High Density Residential. The lands currently are not being used as a park and in historical documents these lands are not identified for future parkland purposes.
In the ZBA there are a number of different modifications proposed: a height of 12.5 m, the height is measured from the front lot which in this case the front yard abuts Salt Dock Road. The elevations of 203.75 and 203.6 were provided by the surveyors. For assurances to the public those elevations would be encapsulated in the site plan agreement and the zoning by-law itself specified a maximum height of 12.5m. The specifics of the elevator are included in the ZBA and would require an amendment if proposed to be changed.
The by-law requires 50% front yard, the proposed reduction is to 29%; the front yard contains parking, snow storage and landscaped open space. While the front yard faces Salt Dock Road, the building itself faces Georgian Bay. Outdoor parking spaces are 3m x 6m which meets the requirement of the zoning by-law; however, each indoor parking space is proposed to be 2.7m x 6m.
A Holding “H” Symbol is added to a zoning by-law amendment and it effectively provides some conditions that need to be satisfied before a building permit can be issued. What the Holding symbol means is that site plan control is required. Specific items are included in the holding symbol and the site plan agreement which reflect the public comments and concerns. The details, “nuts & bolts”, of the site plan agreement will be ironed out by staff during the site plan process, details such as design requirements related to roof structures, restrictions on mechanicals on roof. As all this information has to be built right into the site plan agreement this gives assurance as it is a legal binding agreement between the property owner, the Town and any future property owner as it’s an agreement registered on title.
Mr. Robinson reported that in context of the surrounding developments, there are a number of high-density developments in the area, and in his opinion, he thinks the proposed development does make efficient use of existing infrastructure and is appropriate both from a scale perspective and a density perspective and is compatible with surrounding land uses.
With regard to the height, Mr. Robinson reported that he believed there have been some steps taken to protect the views for the existing condominium in the area.
Mr. Robinson reported that he believed there has been adequate consideration given to trail connection and parkland aspects.
The traffic study identifies there is existing transportation infrastructure in the area sufficient to support the additional demand that would be created.
The parking requirements do exceed the minimum requirements.
An Endangered and Threatened species assessment was completed and determined there is a very low likelihood of endangered or threatened species present. A timing window is recommended to be included in the site plan agreement.
In conclusion, Mr. Robinson reported that an independent look at each of the public comments was undertaken and addressed within his report. Having reviewed the Official Plan and having reviewed the Growth Plan for Northern Ontario and the Provincial Policy Statement, Mr. Robinson reported that he believed that the proposed development is consistent with the PPS and conforms both with the growth plan and the Town’s Official Plan and would represent good land use planning.

After the deputations Council dealt with prioritized Item 10.2.2

10.2.2 – Lighthouse Official Plan Amendment (OPA) and Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA).
By-law 2019 – 6991. Being a By-law to Adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 2 – Part of Block Q of Plan 123 and a portion of Part 7 of 42R129.
A recorded vote was taken:
Yes – Councillor Vanessa Backman, Councillor Paul Borneman, Councillor Roger Burden, Councillor Brad Horne, Councillor Bonnie Keith, Councillor Doug McCann, Mayor Jamie McGarvey
Passed, Signed & Sealed

By-law 2019 – 6992. Being a By-law to amend By-law No. 2004-4653 (The Zoning By-law), as amended, for Part of Block Q of Plan 123 and a portion of Part 7 of 42R129. That the following amendment be included in the by-law:
Despite Section 8.2 of By-law 2004-4653, as amended, the property shall be limited to a maximum of 43 Apartment Dwelling Units. Carried
A recorded vote was taken:
Yes – Councillor Vanessa Backman, Councillor Paul Borneman, Councillor Roger Burden, Councillor Brad Horne, Councillor Bonnie Keith, Councillor Doug McCann, Mayor Jamie McGarvey
Passed, Signed & Sealed

Resolutions and Direction to Staff

9.3.1 – BOCC Championship Banner Display Policy. Resolution. That Council approve the Bobby Orr Community Centre Championship Banner Display Policy as attached as Schedule A. Carried

9.3.2 – West Parry Sound Area Recreation and Culture Centre (Wellness Centre and Pool Complex). Direction. THAT the update report on the West Parry Sound Area Recreation and Culture Centre (Wellness Centre and Pool Complex) be received for information purposes. Carried

9.3.3 – Parry Sound Wastewater Treatment Plant Inspection Report. Resolution. That the report on the September 4, 2019 Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) Parry Sound Wastewater Treatment Plant Inspection Report be received for information purposes. Carried

9.3.4 – Municipal Modernization Program, Expression of Interest. Resolution. Whereas Intake 1 for the Municipal Modernization Program was announced on November 12, 2019 by the Province; and
Whereas the program only applies to 405 small and rural Ontario municipalities, including Parry Sound; and
Whereas municipalities must submit an intention to apply by November 22, 2019; and
Whereas an Expression of Interest must be submitted by December 6, 2019;
Now Therefore staff be directed to submit the Town’s intention to apply to the Municipal Modernization Program for funding for a review of current waste management services with the objective of finding service delivery efficiencies and creating a long-term waste management strategy; and
That staff report back to Council prior to the December 6, 2019 deadline should an alternative project be determined as more appropriate. Carried


10.1.1 – Curbside Waste & Recycling Collection Contract Extension Spokesperson: Peter Brown, Director of Public Works.
By-law 2019 – 6994. Being a bylaw to amend bylaw 2011-6048 and bylaw 2019-6890, to authorize the execution of an extension of the existing curbside waste and recycling collection contract with Waste Connections of Canada Inc. for one year, ending December 31, 2020. Passed, Signed & Sealed

10.2.1 – Municipal Office and Firehall Custodial 2020 and 202.
By-law 2019 – 6984. That Council authorizes the execution of a contract with Bernie Filiatrault’s Janitorial for Custodial services of the Municipal Office and Council Chambers set-up. Passed, Signed & Sealed
By-law 2019 – 6985. That Council authorizes the execution of a contract with Bernie Filiatrault’s Janitorial for Custodial services at the Firehall Complex. Passed, Signed & Sealed

10.3.1 – Parry Sound Area Founders Circle Agreement.
By-law 2019 – 6993. Being a by-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement with the Parry Sound Area Founders Circle to support business innovation and new business’s ideas. Passed, Signed & Sealed

10.4.1 – Debenture issue for completed 2018 and 2019 Capital Works.
By-law 2019 – 6989. A By-law of the Corporation of the Town of Parry Sound to Authorize the Borrowing Upon Amortizing Debentures in the Principal Amount of $727,779.50 Towards the Cost of the Stockey Centre Roof/Hardy Board Siding. Passed, Signed & Sealed
By-law 2019 – 6990. A By-law of the Corporation of the Town of Parry Sound to Authorize the Borrowing Upon Amortizing Debentures in the Principal Amount of $860,435.56 Towards the Cost of the Bobby Orr Community Centre Ice Pad Replacement. Passed, Signed & Sealed